Once again, I have failed to update the blog for more than two months! This post is going to be super short, but I wanted to say we had some really good family time through Christmas and the New Year despite battling sickness through the whole month of December.
**Note: I just finished the rest of this post 5 minutes ago and could not get it to save. I tried to copy and paste into MS Word so that I could log out and log back in and not lose all that I had typed, but of course, the copy didn't "take" and I lost everything. So, after spending 45 precious minutes trying to type a really great post, I am now just leaving you all with pictures! I will recover and re post some of my thoughts that were lost one day soon when I can.
Our yearly "in front of the tree" pic- my favorite |
He's our "cool cat" |
Sweet Brothers |
Aerin pushing Anderson "buddin...buddin" |
Aerin in her apron and gear from Grandmama and Grandaddy
"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing." Jesus in John 15:5
Loving and Learning,