Friday, July 15, 2011

School Fun Friday - Organization

Our home keeping system and my home organization skills are definitely works in progress, so I have been reading any and every blog I can find  I have time to read about planning, organization, household binders, family calendars, and making lists work.  I am going to attempt to put some systems into place that will give me practical help at keeping our lives and home in some semblance of order without being over the top (ahem, stressing myself out). If you are looking for methods of color coding your pantry and keeping an inventory of your spices, you are far ahead of me in this process!

I had planned for this post to contain the entire list of the methods and systems I am going to use this year, but the laundry and mopping and dishes had to be done today, so I didn't finish it! Since this is School Fun Friday, and in my time zone I am 44 minutes away from Saturday, I decided to wait until next Friday to include the list. By then I should have some wisdom to share, along with links to some great forms and sites with organization tips and printables. Until then, I would love to hear from any of you who may have ideas, tricks or or any tried and tested methods in the area of keeping home while doing school at home. Please share your wisdom by emailing me at or by leaving a comment!

Really, your ideas are greatly appreciated. If we (I) don't get a handle on doing school and housekeeping well together, in the first month of school we might lose a child under piles of clean laundry that desperately needs to be folded and put away (most likely unmatched socks--I despise sock matching), or find that we have managed to use every clean cup in the house in the span of 3 hours and have to drink from bowls!

Remembering, that even though keeping a clean house and being organized are only small parts of my ministry at home, it is important that I don't neglect them. God is honored in excellence.

"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."          Proverbs 31:27 

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."                             1 Corinthians 10:31

Loving and Learning,

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I love Jesus Christ, am a seeker of beauty, and am a grateful child of God who would be lost and hopeless were it not for His grace. I am learning to walk in love, see interruptions as divine appointments, and value people and relationships above agendas and results. I pray my life is grace-filled, and brings joy and encouragement to everyone I know and meet. We are a family of 6, built by God through love, birth, and adoption, living in the beauty and the struggle that accompanies parenting kids from hard places. Got questions? Email me at

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