Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No adequate words...can you see them?

Better than I could ever express or share, please take time to look at the photos and information on THIS blog and don't turn away because it's too difficult. We need to see these children and their needs, and we must act on their behalf.  Yes, the need is great and the pain of this world can be so overwhelming that we become convinced that we are not capable of changing anything. It is easy to be overwhelmed, and because you cannot do everything, you do nothing.  But we can give to and pray for these children, because we know, and we must not turn away. Each of these precious ones are suffering and each one is a unique treasure, a life made by God for a purpose. May we see them as we see the children God has blessed us with, the children who eat at our tables, sing in our churches, learn in our schools, play in our neighborhoods--children who need food, medical care, nurture, and LOVE.  Why would we miss the chance to meet their needs, to begin to alleviate their suffering, and to give them hope for the future? How can we turn away and do nothing? Please read this post and join us in praying and giving to help these children receive the nutrition and medical care they need.

Thank you for taking time to read, to pray, to give.

Loving and Learning,

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I love Jesus Christ, am a seeker of beauty, and am a grateful child of God who would be lost and hopeless were it not for His grace. I am learning to walk in love, see interruptions as divine appointments, and value people and relationships above agendas and results. I pray my life is grace-filled, and brings joy and encouragement to everyone I know and meet. We are a family of 6, built by God through love, birth, and adoption, living in the beauty and the struggle that accompanies parenting kids from hard places. Got questions? Email me at

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