So, just because I love my husband and appreciate with all my heart the father and husband he is. And because I see God's heart for the orphan in him when he says "Yes" over and over to adopting again and tons of kids (yes, we are praying and considering adopting again soon)! And because of a million other reasons that I could share but won't bore you to death by sharing, I wanted to publicly praise God for what He has done in our lives. We are not perfect people, so our marriage is not perfect. But I am excited every day to share life's journey with the man who God gave me as my husband! The lyrics to the song below are a great expression of how I feel about sharing life with him, and how many of you probably feel about your spouses.
Even if you have heard it, it's worth listening to again!
"'Cause we bear the light of the Son of Man, so there's nothing left to fear. So, I'll walk with you in the shadowlands 'til the shadows disappear. He promised not to leave us and His promises are true. So, in the face of all this chaos, baby I can dance with you. So, let's go dancing in the minefields..."
Loving and Learning,

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