When I try to catch my breath and feel my heart seemingly beating out of my chest...
When fear claws at my mind with lies of unworthiness...
I fight with gratitude and praise to the One whose perfect love casts out all fear, to the One whose light of truth shines on the lies, to the One who whispers that His power is made perfect in my weakness.
Overflowing with thanksgiving here today as we celebrate Reformation and remember the courage and faith of Martin Luther. "My conscience is captive to the word of God..."
Just a few of those things for which I can shout thanksgiving to the God who loves us all
...the way little one wakes with sleepy eyes and says "Mommy" with trusting love in His voice
...words of pure kindness from a new but oh so true friend
...men and women of courage, past and present, whose love for Christ teaches and humbles
...God's always faithful provision
...strong words of love spoken by the love of my life
...campfires and s'mores
...sweet family time for cousins to play
...the Scriptures, readily available in print, audio, or electronic form, in a language I can understand
Loving and Learning,