Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just Because...

...we just finished family worship a few minutes ago as we try to be still, listen, pray, study, and express our gratitude to God during this Holy Week. I thought someone might want to hear this song--it was how we finished up and everyone (except me) went to bed (really, two were sleeping before the song, but three of us made it).  I am showing my heritage here, but I absolutely love the music and lyrics to this hymn, which was originally an Irish folk song.

"By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life." Psalm 42:8

Loving and Learning,

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I love Jesus Christ, am a seeker of beauty, and am a grateful child of God who would be lost and hopeless were it not for His grace. I am learning to walk in love, see interruptions as divine appointments, and value people and relationships above agendas and results. I pray my life is grace-filled, and brings joy and encouragement to everyone I know and meet. We are a family of 6, built by God through love, birth, and adoption, living in the beauty and the struggle that accompanies parenting kids from hard places. Got questions? Email me at loveandtots3@gmail.com.

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