After an extremely busy weekend and Monday/Tuesday, and an emotionally and spiritually grueling turn of events over the last couple of weeks, I decided today that we just needed a break! So, instead of a weighty post (I realize the majority of my posts have been quite heavy as of late), I thought I would provide you with some details about our day.
Disclaimer :We took a break from school today, because we are going to do school in the summer anyway and are not at all concerned about filling our required attendance days (barring some major catastrophe, by the time August rolls around, we will be several weeks over our required days for this year).
* We declared this a PJ day, all of us staying in our pajamas until almost 3 p.m. There is something about snuggling on the couch with your kiddos in your pajamas at 11 a.m. that does wonders for the soul.
*Breakfast consisted of Doritos, yogurt, and pineapple juice for the big kiddos, because we could. (I did feed Anderson some Multi-Grain Cheerios to assuage my mom guilt a little)
*A few weeks ago, we sold back some used books on Amazon and got a credit for them. So, last week I used the credit to buy some new school material and special books. They came today, and Aerin instantly wanted to read her new Jesus Storybook Bible to Anderson, while Alex started reading his Jesus Calling for kids. I am so thankful to share these moments with them as they grow and learn from God's word.
*Lunch was at 3 p.m. We made and ate blueberry pancakes together. According to Aerin, "We have lots of fun in this family." (Boy, did I need to hear that since I have felt like the "no fun virus" has been living at our house for the past several months).
*Between breakfast and lunch, I did a tiny bit of housework while the kiddos built an entire village in my living room for their Lego mini figures using boxes, plants, and various items from all over the house.
*Because we brought home a plethora of artwork and some projects from our home school co-op year end program last night, I set up a display in our sun room to show off the big kids' work. Anderson stayed with me through the school day most weeks (he did go to the nursery a few times with some pretty special teachers), so he didn't have any "work" to display. But he is very excited that his picture is in the co-op yearbook. He was still talking about it at dinner tonight!
*After lunch, while I tried to get little man down for a nap, the big kids went outside. I find them not 10 minutes later in swimsuits (it was not warm today, in case you are wondering),
*Daddy came home early tonight and we have enjoyed spending time with him and eating dinner together.
*My oldest is waiting for me to build a Lego robot with him, and I have given him special permission to stay up late tonight, because we haven't had any "just us" time in a while. So, I am going to wrap up this very mundane post and go play with my big boy. I may be able to update with news tomorrow that world domination is now on our agenda since we have conquered the feat of constructing the "best Lego robot ever."
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17
I am grateful for God's graces given throughout each day, and thankful for our "break" day. Praying that you have time to "break" from your routine and enjoy the moments and people God has given to you today!
If you are interested in checking out either the Bible or devotional book I got for my kiddos, you can find them by clicking on the links below. I bought them after they were highly recommended by numerous friends.
Loving and Learning,

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